I have asked myself a few questions that I need to consider and allow for in the writing of schemes of work. The appear below in no particular order.
- What resources, techniques and lesson styles will support students with low level literacy or slow processing skills?
- What resources do we need to incorporate into lessons to help EAL students develop their level of English and understand the science being covered while their specialist vocabulary is low.
- At key stage 3 are we using the interests of the students to engage them and help understand the relevance of what is being taught?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of our students and how do our schemes of work use that?
- How are the skills needed at GCSE being developed at Key Stage 3?
- How does the curriculum prepare the students for the science they will need in their everyday lives?
- Does what we do at GCSE prepare students for A-level? Does it encourage students to continue with science to A-level?
- What methods can we use to differentiate work and what will this look like in a scheme of work?
- What contexts will engage students (especially girls)?
- How are G&T students identified and then stretched and challenged?
- How do the schemes of work support intervention methods?
- How are lessons and series of lessons structured to allow marking to support progression?
- What does a good science lesson "look" like?
- How will scheme of work help to promote independent learning?
In terms of things that I feel I would like to include in the scheme of work:
- lesson activities
- questions
- resources
- presentations
- worksheets
- support resources
- practical requisitions and risk assessments
- descriptions of activities
- learning objectives
- differentiated
- including skills
- knowledge
- linked to prior and future learning
- learning outside the classroom
- field work
- homework/prep
- competitions
- trips
- ICT resources to support optional extra curricular work
- revision resources
- overview of the scheme and the progression of ideas throughout it
Other things to consider:
- time scale of rewrite
- review of the schemes
- how to store, share and organise resources
- where should assessment fit into the scheme?
- what life skills should we be delivering?
Lastly, is it possible to collaborate with other heads of science in the GSA or Allied Schools?